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Would you like to purchase the best quality meat and dairy products for your home or business? You must know the best livestock farming services in Wicklowcow in a livestock farm

It is good to know where the beef or any other meat we eat come from, as well as different , and understand how farmers work. Also, it is important to get to know farming methods and the quality of the production before buying their food.

In Wicklow, there are many types of livestock like pig farming, poultry farming, goats, sheep or cow farming, among others. Every animal is important and farms must take into account animal welfare as well as Good Farming Practices. For small farms, there are learning programs that gather together experts and farmers.

What are good farming practices

The farm must follow some rules in order to guarantee safe food and prevent livestock diseases. Some of the goals that these Good Farming Practices try to achieve are:

  • Reduce food safety risks during harvest
  • Reduce food safety risks in the packhouse
  • Reducing risks from animals and manure
  • Safe uses of agricultural water
  • Employee health and hygiene

Different methods of farming and raising livestock in Wicklow

Livestock production can be carried out in different ways. Some of them are:

  • Intensive livestock farming: also, known as industrial farming. These farms have a larger number of cattle.
  • Free-range livestock farming: the animals are allowed to freely move and run at least one part of each day.
  • Organic livestock farming: everything used in this farms is natural.
  • Sustainable livestock farming: its goal is to meet current food needs without putting into risk the capability and resources for future generations.

How to find the best livestock farming business in Wicklow

Infoisinfo always wants to help you to find the best products and services. When it comes about food for human consumption your choice takes even more importance. This is why we’ve prepared a list of the best livestock farming services in Wicklow. You will be able to get in touch with natural products suppliers that count with the best cattle farm equipment for livestock rearing. In our directory, every kind of livestock farm is included, from poultry farms or dairy farms to meat farming like pig’s livestock or cows. Contact details like phone number, website or address are offered as well as comments and valuations from other clients.


The 10 Best Farm Livestock Services in Wicklow


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