InfoisInfo Ireland

Avenger Alarms Ltd.
Fire Alarm in Wicklow
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The Cascades, Ballynerrin Upper. Wicklow, Wicklow.
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What you should know about Avenger Alarms Ltd.

Access Control in Wicklow, Alarm Systems in Wicklow, CCTV in Wicklow, Alarm in Wicklow

Avenger Alarms Ltd is a Wicklow based Burglar Alarms, CCTV, Fire Alarms & Access Control Company registered with the NSAI. We give you peace of mind while also protecting your home and family by providing Access Control, CCTV, Fire Alarms & Burglar Alarms with full installation, maintenance & monitoring to Co Wicklow and the surrounding area.
We provide twice yearly maintenance on your alarm, security tips and issue your alarm an NSAI certificate. As a result your property will command a higher future value upon receiving an excellent Alarm Security System.
Avenger Alarms is customer focused by offering a custom build Alarm system tailored to your specific property. We provide alarm maintenance and monitoring, alarm installation, alarm assessment and certification as required by the NSAI. We have qualified installers and engineers that will advise on how to get best protection for your home and how to achieve NSAI compliance.

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